My wonderful cousin Stephanie Morris, who is also the PR coordinator at MNJ PR asked me to spread the word about registering to vote Chi–Town…….!!!
Are You Ready For A Change?
With the cost of living on the rise, America sliding quickly into a recession, health care benefits decreasing and our overall quality of life being compromised and jeopardized every minute…. are you ready for a change??
Well all of us are capable of creating change this November by voting in probably one of the most important elections… EVER! Even in arguably, one of the most challenging times for Americans, there are still too many us out there that are not registered to vote and this is unacceptable. Sixth Ward Alderman Freddrenna Lyle has stepped up to help people get registered to vote. Her team will be at various locations on the City of Chicago’s Southside to help people, especially those between the ages for 18-24, get registered immediately.
You can find them at the CTA Red Line “L” stations at 69th, 79th, 87th and 95th as well as various intersections, Walgreen’s locations, Jewel Grocery Stores, Dominick’s and the 87th St. Shopping Center parking lot. For more information on these locations please see the contact information below.
Also, if you are already registered and would like to volunteer your time to help create change, there are opportunities available for you to help register people to vote.
For more information please contact Keith at Alderman Lyle’s office at 773-846-7006 or email VOTERDRIVE2008@HOTMAIL.COM.

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