target continues to out do itself with their high fashion collaborations. starting in march they will feature their next collabo, with a favorite of mine, Alexander McQueen. I'm excited about this one! Are you? Check the photos below from I especially like the tiny cut off vest and tailored jacket.
See some of Alexander McQueen's Spring 09 show below from
hey everyone, my good friend Julie from Paris is back in the states and up for nomination! wow she moves quick! Julie is owner of the cute little line, Rabbit On The Run. She's being nominated by My Daily Candy's NY style edition for their "Sweetest Things 2008".
Here's some info on her brand.
The name Rabbit On the Run, completely reflects the different, independent, free and spontaneous universe of the brand. The motifs are a result of various experiments and research around cutting and folding, which led to unplanned symmetry. The obtained reworked shapes are very singular and decline an identity; they take part in a game of contrasts between primitive drive and ultra-contemporary aspiration. Rabbit on The run is a field, which is open to any form of inspiration be it festive, playful, ethnic, savage and urban at the same time. The cuts are simple and over-sized, conceived in neutral and natural materials, in opposition to the strong character of the hyper colored prints. Rooted from a multi-disciplinary artistic background, the brand keeps it's sharp eye opened to everything which surrounds it.
yesterday one of my great friends leslie's younger sister jaime (another of my great friends) asked me if I know this group called COCOROSIE? I said, no, but went on to google them, and while I was she sent me this...I started to watch and thought "what the hell" but I had to keep watching.
Turns out Biana and Sierra Casady are sisters from France in their late twenties. The NY Times refers to them as "freak folk" (read the full 7 page article here) while videostatic refers to them as "strangely beautiful". I'm still not 100% sure of how I view them, but apparently PRADA found them cool enough to allow them to perform at their 08 NY fashion week party of theirs as well as do the soundtrack to one of their animated promos. Check this video with their neon/glow in the dark makeup.
Anyway you look at it. Whether if you like them, don't like them, or maybe just don't care, you can't deny that they are definitely interesting to look at. In fact, Coco (Bianca) almost always wears a line drawn above upper lip adding a mustache to her flat face. Suggestive? Yes. What is it suggesting? Not sure! But their lavish costumes and over the top makeup or face paint rather is just the half of it. Listen to these girls voices! While you're add it, try and find the numerous natural animal noises, and wind up toy sound effects that are know to be hidden in the beats of their music. I agree with videostatic (read story here) when they say that their voices "fall somewhere between Bill Holiday and the Cryptkeeper"!
All in all I would say that they are true to their art and march to the beat of their own drum. They certainly did not sprout up as soon as it got cool to make tracks that are heavily electronic based with voices that sound either digitized or purposely manipulated (like it is now), nope, the girls have been around for some time now. Check this amazing video from 2005 for their song "Noah's Ark" and other interesting images showcasing cocorosie's own signature style. What do you think?
njv is having a HUGE 40% OFF SALE ladies! Stop by this weekend and enjoy 40% off our entire stock of shoes, clothing & accessories. This sale will run until the end of January.
Don't for get our new arrivals every Thursday!
STORE HOURS: Thurs & Fri 1p-8p, Sat 10a-8p & Sun 1p-7p
none of us would be here, right now, if it weren't for this lady. the amazing SUZAY, founder and creator of my fashtionation! always lending a helping hand, always there when you need her with great advice, amazingly stylish (this girl introduced me to M.A.C. and the world of makeup at 16 ;) a great creator, full of wonderful ideas, happy f$%! birthday girl!
you deserve the best and we love you!!
i decided to throw a few pics together and have a little fun with my crayons ;)
the other day while flipping through a book of artists at barnes and noble i came across a new name. trained as a sculptor and anthropologist, artist Wangechi Mutu gives a new take on mixed media by creating collages questioning the idea of female anatomy, human malignant conditions, and african culture. born in 1972 in Kenya, ms. mutu studied at the yale university of school of art sculpture and the notable cooper union for the advancement of the art and sciences in new york city.
Mutu uses medical diagrams and ripped magazine photos establishing striking and thoughtful images as these here.
in just a few hours, the Founder and Mastermind behind this beautiful little thing we call MYFASHIONATION, will be turning one more year older! in attempt to celebrate a little early, i started thinking, hmm, if i had some extra bucks right now, what would i get miss SUZAY! hmmm, what would she like that maybe alot folks would not know about....
if you are lucky enough to still have some money to spend, make sure you stop by my girl, nicole's fabulous online boutique, SHRINK BOUTIQUE! they are having a huge sale... almost everything is 50-75% off... and free shipping! Not sure how long this is going to be going on, so don't wait and miss out on the goods.