since this is my first post, i guess i should take the time to introduce myself... i am a fashionista at heart, though lazy at times (mostly during the work week).
beautiful things inspire and motivate me daily. and when i say beautiful, i'm not just talking about the flowers trailing down michigan avenue in the summer or sunny days at the lake, i'm talking about electric designs on dvf wrap dresses, hott colorways on nike dunks, dope fill-ins under inner-city viaducts (yes, i like graf too), nars' lateset eye shadow duo, chicago's awesome skyline on a clear night... you get the point.
a lot of blogs out here focus on either one thing or the other, so my goal is to cover all things aesthically appealing... from a ladies perspective. yes guys, we are apart of this too and are on the come up for real.
so, stay tuned...